Sunday 31 March 2013

Classic Easy Deviled Eggs

It‘s easter weekend and summer is also around the corner. A very popular summer food is deviled eggs. Here is a simple recipe pretty much anyone can make.

What you'll need:
-8 eggs
-green onions
- 4 slices bacon
- 1/2 cup mayo
The cooking part is simple first fill a pot with water and get your eggs boiling. Boil for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile you can cook the bacon.
Chop up about 3-4 green onions.
Set the bacon and onions aside and shell your eggs. You may need to soak eggs in cold water if to hot for you.
Cut the eggs in half and remove yolks and put in bowl.
Crumble up the bacon and add it the the bowl if yolk, then add the chopped onions.
Mix the yolk bacon and onions together and slowly stir in mayo, stir until even.
Take a spoon and add the mixture to the egg halves so the amounts even out.
Finally sprinkle paprika over the eggs to taste. And we're finished.

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